Tagged: san francisco
solips by rfcl
two generations of grass widow
while trying to find a track by this grass widow, an all-female trio from san francisco, i came across a scratchy vintage cut unearthed by dust-to-digital. sweet. in case you were hoping for a listen of the post-punk california girls instead, watch this video:
Grass Widow – Fried Egg from Kill Rock Stars on Vimeo.
waiter music by beatcasso
beatcasso is a nicaraguan born, miami raised, bedroom hip-hop producer
bandcamp album of the day: Where the Shadows Pass (Odes to Death & Transience) by Sonny Pete
whimsical folk americana by Birdmonster frontman Peter Arcuni
re: chillwaves by John Blaze 3927
06 re- chillwaves by John Blaze 3927
sunny instrumental pop from the san francisco bay area.
download the free MP3 here: http://soundcloud.com/johnblaze3927/