Links, discussion, commentary, and reviews of experimental, electronic, ambient, new weird america, indie and lo-fi music.
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If you’ve got some low-fi music you think I’d be interested in hearing, please send it my way. You can send links for downloads or requests for a postal address to: lofimb (at) gmail.com
August 31, 2012 um 10:06 am i like this song by deep of heart because this song touch my heart but i am fiidnng this song in audio but brothers if u will find this song then send me on my email its will be honor for me to get this song by ur hands thank u my good Friends i love all of u GBU my prayers always with u
Very good. Sort of song you can drive the car to on a bright suemmr’s day. Thanks for the link. Although I think French and Saunders would have a field day with that video!